So my trainings done. A few light jogs and then thats it. I leave for Barcelona on Thursday to race on Sunday morning round my adopted Spanish city. I can't wait to get out there. See my family, speak some Spanish, run with the sun on my back, and hopefully clock a time of around 3:40.
I've never trained so hard, been so focused and had the same level of dedication as this time. I've had a training schedule thats been adhered to. I could have done more mileage but I've already taken the time out to train and had other life commitments (thankfully). I'd definitely do more near the beginning next time, but in my defense Christmas and New Year happened in week 3, and then we had a couple of deluges of snow which curtailed getting out - I don't go to gyms these days.
Here are some stats to give you some sense of the prep:
16 weeks - How long I've been preparing for the race.
420 miles - The amount of miles I've ran in training. This equates to running from London to Blackpool and back... and still have enough miles leftover to run a marathon! (26.2 miles)
500 miles - The amount I've cycled in 16 weeks. That would get me from London to Durham and back. I really feel has made a difference to my stamina. And maybe, I hope, make up for those runs missed along the way!
10 Track sessions at Mile End
6 pilates classes
4 hours of massage
100+ bananas eaten
1 blister
3 pairs of socks worn out
£582.50 raised for Mind
Busy couple of nights before I go. Thanks for good wishes. I hope the race goes to plan!