Wednesday, January 16, 2008

MMA Sport Psychology Research Study

MMA Sport Psychology Research Study

For those who have not yet have the privilege of meeting them, I'd like to introduce two sport psychology colleagues – Drs. Ted Butryn and Matt Masucci. They are professors at San Jose State University and are currently working on one of the first ever MMA sport psychology research studies. These guys are the "real deal" and are really trying to support the sport and help fighters learn to amp up their mental game. We need more sport psychology research focusing on MMA. Ted and Matt are helping to pioneer this effort. Please consider giving them a few minutes of your time. I have included below some information on their study and how you can help. If you are not a fighter, but want to support the study, perhaps you could let someone else know or repost this message. Thanks for your support - Randy

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Mixed Martial Artists,

My colleague and I are professors in the Department of Kinesiology at San Jose State University, and we are conducting an ongoing sport psychology study on pro MMA fighters. We are interested in the stressors faced by MMA athletes, and how they cope with stress in their matches, as well as during training. We are obviously in a "hotbed" of MMA camps here in San Jose, but we are trying to include fighters from across the US and Canada in the study. The research consists of a basic interview protocol modeled after many studies on coping in various sports. All interviews are anonymous, and last approximately 20-30+ minutes. Interviews can be done in person (if local) or by phone. The criteria for this phase of the study are: 1) Male or Female at least 18 years of age, and 2) At least one professional MMA fight on your record.

The preliminary results of the first several fighter interviews were presented at the largest Sport Psychology conference in North America last September, and we hope the final published results will be of use to academics, coaches, and fighters. This is one of the first "mental performance" studies of its kind on MMA, so we are excited about interviewing a variety of fighters, and then giving results back to coaches and fighters.

We are available anytime to do the interviews. If you are interested in being part of this study on coping and MMA, you can send us a message through MySpace HERE or contact either of us at the email or number below:

Dr. Ted Butryn
Associate Professor of Sport Psychology & Sociology
San José State University
Phone: (408) 924-3068

Dr. Matt Masucci
Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Sport Studies
San José State University
Phone: (408) 924-3068

Thanks for the help, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Ted Butryn, PhD
Associate Professor of Sport Psychology & Sociology

Matt Masucci, PhD
Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies

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