I thought about what I'm looking forward to on the journey and it everything seemed to start with the letter P. See what you think....
- A bit of Peace and quiet in the first week in Tunisia and have some Proper downtime after finishing off work and leaving the hurly burly of London life.
- Persue my interests and re-fire up my Passions! Reading, visiting historic sites & museums, and tho its taken me hours and hours, I've downloaded a whole load of new music onto my Pod. Hurrah for the internet!
Recommends lately include:
The Resident Advisor Podcasts (each months mixes downloadable from http://www.residentadvisor.net/)
Charles Websters Defected mix
Martin Sorensens latest 12", Start Something on Tirk Records
Greg Wilsons re-edits of DC Le Groove / Gotta Tape I Wanna Play on Disco Deviance
And The Loft compilations on Nuphonic (oldie but a goodie).
- I'm looking forward to getting to Petrcane where the festival is being held, where I'll join up with friends for a week of Partying by and on the Adriatic.
Hopefully none of the above is too Pretentious and I Properly intend to write up some bits and Pieces whilst gone that I'll Post up when I get the chance for your Perusal!
Love to all.
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