Whilst the mood is still euphoric in the media and amongst most of the people I know in the States and those with a vested interest in the UK, President Obamas election victory, whilst refreshing from the gimp chimp incumbent currently clearing out his desk and toy cupboard, I did have to hang back from some of the proclamations I saw.
Though no fan of Bush or the Republican party and their policies, I asked myself whether it was right for people here and elsewhere to tell others in America on blogs, social networking sites etc who to vote for? I guess it depends on your viewpoint. When I vote, I like to look at the candidates, their key policies and make a decision of my own. Uninfluenced by press and others point of view as much as possible.
However, that aside, after a long day at college, I wondered also what the impact on us here in the UK and Europe would be of a change in President/Party and their subsequent policy implementations. Particularly when such lofty and dizzying pronouncements are being uttered at us from every angle about 'this historic moment'.
The 3 that stick in mind are the Global Economy, the Environment and Foreign Policy. Obamas policy on the latter to do with Iraq and Aghanistan are well documented. American foreign policy is a whole topic in itself, one not that I don't want to go into here and one on which for a lot of people is simpler in intention than what a new President will have to do in reality (troop withdrawals, maintainance of security in those countries after withdrawal, American company contracts in those countries... cough!.... etc).
I'll leave Global Economics for the time being - the markets will correct themselves naturally! ;-) - and mention the one aspect that will affect each and every one of us in the longer term - the Environment. Americas shocking policy of the last 8 years has to change, and this election is, as Obama continually says, is for 'change'. Its pleasing to see the new President will have a team at the UN's climate change talks in Poznan in 3 weeks time. Re-engagement over Kyoto and post Kyoto policy would be nice too. The inner cynic in me feels from where we are now to 3 months time when he takes office and subsequent policy implementation will be watered down (partly due to the Global economic slowdown), but I sincerely hope that the guy with the new job is as true to his pre-election pledges (see http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/newenergy) and America leads the rest of the World with environmental and energy change. His record in voting prior to the election on this subject is promising and this is one area, along with domestic economic policy, where what he does right for America will definitely impact all of us. It can't be much worse than what passes for US environmental policy currently, but heres hoping it gets much much better.
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