Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Second marathon of the year

Nope - fear not. I'm not running one, but mentally, I'm bang in the middle of one. I've spent the last month writing my thesis up. Its been long and arduous, but like doing a marathon, I'm not asking for your sympathy. I got myself into this situation out of choice.

The next week is that bit where you've passed the wall (miles 15 to 21 when your bodys glucose level go through the floor :-) and I'm not *quite* within sight of the end. The confidence from knowing I've cleared most of the course is building up inside me and I'm thinking about what I do when I cross the finish line.

I'm reminding myself to enjoy this run but its not always so easy to do. One thing I will say about training and running marathons (as well as researching them!) is that I feel mentally tougher now. Sure, I want to give up now and again, but finding out physically about mental toughness and now writing about it, I'm interested in how we put ourselves through and successfully negotiate difficult challenges. I think I've found the quote to start it all off with. Took a while to locate but see what you reckon:

"The marathon is a rich and appealing domain of psychological study. In certain ways, the marathon may act as an encapsulated mechanism representative of life challenges." (Buman, Brewer, Cornelius, Van Raalte and Petitpas (2008:178).

Personally, I think its pretty accurate. Right. I've got to get through Blackfriars tunnel! x

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