Monday, March 5, 2012

Perfect Timing

So this weekend I was on a course here in Manchester, and had to run my 22 mile longest run at 5 o'clock last night. I was flat out all weekend and didn't get time to check in with my London based running partner Enrique till after I had finished, so didn't get to find out till then what his time for his 22 mile run on Saturday morning was.

I came in, fired up my Garmin and shoved the stats over to Garmin Connect ( and had done my 22 miles in 2:58:11. I posted it over to Enrique to see how he had done on the Saturday morning and turns out he had done the same distance in 2:58:12! ( 

Without any communication about how we were going to run it, we'd both clocked (almost) identical times! 
Bodes really well to be able to run the race together and cross the finish united. In the words of my dear Grandma: "Well I never!"

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