Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What I'm up to for June

These days you can use the web in so many ways to announce what you're doing, where you're going and when you're free. Moving to a more freelance lifestyle, though its all a bit 'look at me', you have to in order to get work, pitch for work and keep on top of things.

This week is crunch for me as I'm trying to get thesis work done and finish a web job whilst working on the marketing for my sport psychology practice before going on holiday. Obviously i have this blog and i'm on email and twitter (username stuholliday). Facebook I tend to keep for staying in touch with far away friends and for all of my music promotion work (electric elephant as you ask: www.electricelephant.co.uk).

so, if all goes according to plan, by the end of June I'll be:

1) up to the results section of my thesis
2) be able to build any web sites anyone requires
3) have a website, flyers and business cards for the sports psychology and physical training consultancy
4) pimp myself out on spare days for web usability, office admin, project managerial work; mystery shopping; & dog walking (i'm joking about the dog walking)

From the 13th to the 23rd of June I'm in spain. If you're out there then I'm barcelona for the weekend of the 20th & 21st.

This process has been useful. I'm going to put a calendar on my website to show my availability! cool.

Till next time...

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