So that's it. I've run the last run of my training. I've been winding down the distances covered in runs over the last 2 and a bit weeks to let my body recover from the pounding I've been giving it over the previous 4 months, otherwise known in the trade as 'the Taper'. It seems to contradict common sense that having put yourself through this gruelling schedule you have a period of 3 weeks away from long runs leading up to a marathon, but the evidence points to this being the best way to prepare you by letting your body recover.
Most first timers (myself included) get concerned that they'll lose their fitness but the research shows that reducing your training volume by two thirds still allows you to maintain your cardiovascular fitness for around eight weeks. Fundamentally, it allows damage in the muscle fibres to be repaired and let your body replenish its glycogen levels - something crucial in the latter stages of a marathon. 3 weeks tapering is seen as optimum between your final long run and the race itself.
In our last long run, we made 22 miles distance. Having increased the long runs incrementally over the preceding weeks, 26 miles is the next distance due - which handily enough is the Marathon distance. There is a slew of contradictory evidence on training tips but the information around Tapering is pretty consistent. Having done so much running, the hardest thing I'm finding is that I’m champing at the bit to go out and do a run. This morning I had to tone it down to a very slow pace for half an hour. I resisted the urge to speed up based on the minor risk of doing myself some damage. Having received a relaxing massage on my legs and joints last night it was nice to go slow but I've definitely got the energy in my tank for Sunday! I guess I just need to make sure I put in the right fuel. That's for another blog entry...
So exercise from now is really low impact and I've been instructed by my masseur to take it easy, stretch as much as possible and have a hot bath every night. I'm already beginning to feel relaxed, and now look forward to spending more time with my rubber duck over the next few days!
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