Up till now I've felt in control. But having got college work out of the way for this week, I'm working out the detail of what I need to do run wise between now and the Brighton half on the 22nd of this month.
The best thing about the trip to this years Berlinale was that I rested and took my mind off college work for a few days whilst we took in the sights and sounds of Kreuzberg and some films at the festival. Riding around on bikes we hired from the RegenbogenFabrik saw loads of the city, went up the TV tower in Alexanderplatz, rode under the Brandenburg gate and toured the tiergarten and Reichstag. We stayed in an apartment just down from Regenbogen. An old sawmill and outbuildings that is now a community project for young and old set up by squatters over 25 years ago. Going out with friends for dinner on Sunday night, we were told it is one of the last remnants of what was once a much bigger squatting scene in this part of the city. It was nice having a community project on our doorstep that still felt really punk and was driven by the DIY ethos. Given some of the more vanilla building projects ongoing in Berlin, such as the Potsdamer platz where the film festival was held, it was refreshing to turn up, hire a bike for €6 a day and be able to see a kids play area fully used, cheap but brilliant meals in the canteen and a small cinema all in the one complex. They also have accommodation, which at €38 for a double seems good in these more thrifty times.
We did make one long run from Kreuzberg, past the East Side Gallery to Fredrichshain and on to the centre for a few sites. The legs felt good but I've not really pushed myself as much as the last few weeks. I'll take the rest as a good enforced stop for the time being. But having missed out on quite a bit of running due to the snow recently, I definitely feel at a disadvantage compared to my running club colleagues. Still, there are over 2 months to go and plenty of long races and runs to clock up, plus I now have a new bicycle I can put some miles in on as well.
Food wise, I mixed extreme healthiness (it is possible in Germany!) ranging from organic fruit and veg from a weekend market, with the odd bratwurst, gluhwein and Berliner ale. This week the food shopping has been all healthy. Next week I start the more pescetarian diet for the next few months set by my colleague and nutritionist.
As far as the films we saw went. I'll use those to fill in for the missed run data of the last week!
Unmade Beds - story about a squat in Hackney from the perspective of a Spanish guy coming to England to find his father. Argentinian director Alexis de Santos film is funny in places, arty without being too up its own arse and save for a slightly neat bundled cliche ending, was enjoyable for €3.
Mammoth - New Gael GarcĂa Bernal film directed by Swede Lukas Moodysson is utter utter s***e. So bad it got booed by the critics on opening night. We didn't find this out till after we'd seen it on the second showing the following day. The worst film I've seen in years.
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