So yesterday did a nice leisurely 10 mile route down the canal and through Victoria Park mid morning. After feeling rough over the weekend it wasn't going to be anything but slow. But it was definitely the warmest its been in the last month and it lifted the spirits to see crocuses growing in the park. After what feels like months of gloom and lots of runs in the cold, it is nice to sense the change in the season. Not too long before I lose the tights!
I'd taken max flu tablets in the morning and was fitting in the run around a lot of work. At first it was enjoyable but I felt the distance towards the end.
Todays run was half the distance but aiming to do a quick run as I was having to miss my track session in the evening. A quick pace felt good after a good nights rest I enjoyed it. Felt the disappointment of not having anyone else to run against as that can spur you on (see previous posts). I won't get to run tomorrow so the usual thursday night long run with the club will have to suffice. However a fair bit of cycling looms tomorrow so at least I'll get a good cardio workout.
Picked up fruit and veg on the run today (hows that for multitasking!) so ate well and managed to get all my reading and work done as well as a work plan for the next 6 weeks. It'll be a challenge to keep the running up to speed over the next few weeks - if you can excuse the pun.
Distances: 10 miles and 5 miles. 1 hour 36 mins and 38 minutes respectively.
How did it feel?: Comfortable and Steady Monday, Quick today.
Listening to?: Brilliant Trus'me podcast for Resident Advisor.
Food Eaten: Tuesday
Breakfast: 2 x toast with mashed banana, 2 x tea.
Lunch: half homemade pizza and salad
Dinner: Chorizo, mushroom and sweetcorn in a pasta sauce with penne.
snacked on some fruit and 6 biscuits this afternoon. 4 x cups of tea and 2 x pints of squash. 1 pint of orangina.
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