Tonight was the monthly handicap race with the club at Wells Street Common. A 1 mile course that is lapped 3 times, each starter setting off a minute faster than the time they had posted the previous month. So, in this case I'd run it in 21 minutes last time, so Dave (who'd done the same) and I set off as the 20 minute group. The slowest runners start off first and then each successive quicker group of runners follows. The logic being we should all moreorless finish about the same time.
Having had the massage, rested (after a stressful couple of weeks at uni) and swam, I felt good setting off on this run. Dave and I are pretty evenly matched but I felt I had enough in the tank to keep him at bay for the race. Most importantly, my legs felt free of any tightness having had the massage. I really felt I could stretch out with no ill effect. The pace of the running was good and I was really confident I had enough in the tank to complete.
Dave and I agree that clockwatching in a race like this is pointless. You need to concentrate at the task in hand. I felt pretty unrelentling and running round the edge of the common next to peoples back walls to their garden I could sense where Dave was by where his shadow fell. That and the stomping of his feet behind me!
Coming into the last part of the route, the straight to the finish, which is about 150 metres long, I knew I had Dave beat. I didn't have much in the tank to floor it as I usually like to do but I had enough and was going at a good pace anyway to up it. Those that had finished were by the line cheering us on (which always helps). I pushed on, Dave matched me but I came in ahead of him on 19 minutes 39 seconds, a new personal best. Two PBs in a week, when I wasn't even trying for them. It felt good and Dave was very grateful that I'd pushed him all the way. Possibly my best run of the year. Happy Stu.
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