Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 71 for FLM 2009

A quick update. Went to the track last night for speed work. Definitely felt good after Sundays exertions, which was good to see in recovery terms.

Pushed it hard but not silly on the track. We had a couple of 2 kms to do on the track and I cut back on one of them when I felt a slight pull in my knee. Rested up and was able to go on the next 2 km and did very well. We then ran a couple of 400s and finished on 2 200 sprints. Clocked 36 and 34 seconds respectively. Again, I can go quicker. But I could see and feel the difference of the last few months in my times yesterday. The stamina has built up and having been to meditation earlier in the day, I was able to regulate my breathing more comfortably.

Rested tonight and got a time trial tomorrow after work. Will let you know how I get on with the 3 mile handicap. It will be a toughie!

Fruit smoothie
3.5 hot cross buns
Houmus and salad wrap
1 banana
2 apples

Red Thai Chicken curry and rice, with a small bit of daal.
2 x coffee
2 x tea
2 x beer

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