Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 56 for FLM 2009


2 key things very quickly before I go and try and catch Man U play Inter.

1) It looks like I have a title for my thesis. There is still a lot for me to do between now and Tuesday next week but a weight has been lifted. I'm having an issue with obtaining info on the study I am basing mine on but I'll be able to move ahead regardless.

2) Had the best track session I've had so far last night. I've been training using a mindfulness technique for breathing. I have to try and give it a go on a longer run and hills. But last night I felt completely in the zone (to use psychology speak) and ran 8 k's on the track easily all the way. In two 1 k trials during that I clocked 3:53 and 3:49 respectively. Very happy with that part of my training. I'll keep things updated on the breathing technique.

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