Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 95 for FLM 2009

Completed my last run at the club tonight. Using the old cinder track at Victoria park the marathon runners in the club clocked 4 times 400 metres. Relatively swiftly at about 85 seconds each time.

Legs felt great and I've spent lots of time stretching to rest in time for sunday. Tonights run felt like the opportunity to stretch them out a bit and the temptation to avoid going too far or fast was there.

I'm thinking more now about the race and how I'm going to run it. I don't want to plan too much and just see what its like on the day. I think if I'm calm and collected and the weather is too our advantage a decent time is on the cards. But not wanting to sound too pretentious or simplistic, I just want a good experience. The time will come second. If it's good then fantastic, but I won't be beating myself up over it.

Should be getting my sleep now. A few more days to go then it'll be here. Before I know it I'll be back to 'normal' life and work so I'm going to enjoy the build up and the big day.

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