Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 13 FLM 2009

8Kish distance in Cross country in Stevenage. Really hard going. The standard was really high and I should be pleased with my time. I fell back from the beginning and never felt I got going till the last kilometre but still came 206th overall and put in another sprint finish to overtake one guy and almost take out another Serpie!

The stewards got all pissy about me going past him with all my momentum at the filter at the finish. bunch of old dinosaurs. Talk about overreaction! you'd have thought I'd try to snick through without them noticing! I was trying to stop myself from knocking the middle aged Serpie over.

Still, second week in a row I've been beaten on the line by one of their club. Sensed it could be one of those days when he overtook me with 2k to go. Again I had nothing in the tank to respond with on the spot and left it late at the finish. Still clocked 37.14.

Must work on distance and keep stretching but moreorless happy with progress given how tough the last few weeks have been.

Distances: 8K (ish)
How did it feel?: Tough to complete. Slow most of the way, sprint finish.
Listening to?: None. Music banned!
Food Eaten: Tapas. Everything from steak, to chicken and chorizo, lentils & carrot to goats cheese. Well earnt!

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