Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 7, 8 & 9 for FLM 2009

Bit out of kilter with runs over the last few days.
After the exertion of Oakwood I did a gentle 3 mile loop to Clissold Park on Sunday morning before hitting the books again. Another late finish that night and Monday meant no runs, and having been grafting all day today and finally printed off the Case Study for hand in (Yay!) I'm just back from a 40 minute gentle run.

With my assessment tomorrow to complete at University, my time will be freed up to get back on the schedule proper and do track work Tuesdays and the club on Thursdays as well as the weekend big runs.

A quick surmise of the stats:
Distances: 3 miles and 3.5 respectively.
How did it feel?: Sunday easy; today leg muscles tense (need to do more stretching)
Listening to?: The National - Alligator and Underworld - Second toughest in the infants.
Food Eaten:
Dinner: Shepherds pie and veg - Sunday
Thai stir fry with turkey and veg. Sticky rice - Monday
TBD tonight!
Breakfast: Sugar puffs & milk, tea x 2, fruit & wholemeal toast with damson jam - over the course of last few days!

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