Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 2 & 3 for FLM 2009

So we've had 2 of the coldest days of the year so far and I went out yesterday to do a 7 mile steady run in the freezing conditions. It wasn't too bad and I felt good at the end of it. Starving hungry mind. My body went into craving mode and after a substantial homemade pie and mash I needed filling up with more and found myself in the local shop buying custard. Lovely on a cold night.

I did my first full day of stretching down my right hand side. I could feel the benefit but still got a bit of a twinge on the run. I'm just about to do my set of stretches again now and I do another set first thing every morning! I think I know how it feels to be a pensioner but these exercises are required if you want to try and set a time rather than just make it round according to the physio. Its additional strain for your body to cope with, so if you aren't fully 'stretched' equally then injury is a lot more common. As I've stated before, I'm going to be swapping swimming once a week in place of one of the runs. For those of you with dodgy ITBs, this is advised.

Ok - so heres the deal. I'll post up each time what exercise I've been doing, how its gone, what I am listening to (if relevant), and what I ate. I am aiming to 'eat healthily' on this marathon venture with foods that should help me. So to recap from yesterday:

Distance: 7 miles
How did it feel?: Good, warmed up by mile 3, twinge in right ITB from mile 5 to 7.
Listening to?: Charles Webster Defected mix, Ereland Oye DJ Kicks mix.
Food Eaten: Meat and Potato pie, sweet potato and courgette mash and peas. Banana cake & custard

Just stretching. No run.

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