Monday, January 19, 2009

Days 10 & 11 for FLM 2009

Rest day for Wednesday as project hand in and a full day at Uni. Thursday had a fantastic day up in Richmond, walking through the park, having lunch on the Ian Dury bench (see pic) and thrashing out what I'm doing on my dissertation some more.

In the evening went to the club and still wired from the last week did a respectable 6 mile loop from the clubhouse to Limehouse and back. Chilly as heck and a bit sore on the way back. A good nights rest Thursday as I have a long run planned Friday daytime....

Distances: 6 miles
How did it feel?: Tough to complete, but leg muscles tense (still need to do more stretching)
Listening to?: None. Chatted with club mates.
Food Eaten: Ham and Cream cheese bagel, chips. Not ideal but pushed for time I wanted a big carbohydrate hit due to early run tomorrow! Plus you've got to enjoy such pleasures now and again!

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