Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 14 for FLM 2009

Only managed a forty minute steady run today. I'll be skipping training tomorrow as well so I'm falling a bit behind. However it was a nice run in freezing conditions. I really need to be varying what I do as its either these short ones or the long runs with the club/cross country. Some proper Fartlek/interval training is required along with more hills. It feels like the good work I did in Spain over Christmas is a long time ago now!

Anyway, other than that life is good. University work is really interesting and more work with real people to discuss over their sporting problems is going well. I feel confident and well prepared when consulting people. Ensuring they get the follow up feedback to sessions is the next thing I have to get right so must dash. Will let you know how the long run thursday goes on!

Distances: 5K
How did it feel?: Slow to warm up, tight muscles again
Listening to?: Only Child - Solitaire
Food Eaten: Chicken and cashew nut stir fry. Steamed rice.

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