Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 4 for FLM 2009

Brrr! The cold snap continues. However I have to keep training. Ran out of time to go to the club tonight as I'm writing a paper on Athletes use of imagery in a therapeutic intervention. Though its taking up most of my waking hours, its really interesting and useful to try during runs to keep motivated. I'll put up some of the more interesting aspects of it once the papers out of the way. But I did get out and manage a 40 minute run instead round my way.

Got my first consultation tomorrow with a client. I've done my prep so they have nothing to fear and it might lead on to some more work. Apparently a number of colleagues of theirs are impressed they are drafting in a Sports Psychologist to help with a New Years fitness programme. Let us see!

Anyway here are todays stats:
Distance: Just over 4 miles (
How did it feel?: Not as cold as expected. Ran quickly to keep warm. No pain at all. Yay!
Listening to?: Underworld - Everything, Everything Live.
Food Eaten:
Brunch: Huevos Rancheros, griddled potatos and sauteed mushrooms.
Dinner: grilled meat, salad, Turkish bread.

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